About Shozen Kai Aikido

Shozen Kai Aikido is one of many Aikido Dojo in Indonesia, under Meisei Kai Aikido Indonesia based in Jakarta. We are focus to Aikido system that developed by Nishio sensei. Shozen Kai Aikido was found by some Aikidoka who practice at Indonesian Police University Dojo who have same mission and vision about Aikido and want to develop and to spread the Aikido system and phylosophy of Nishio sensei.

Shozen Kai Aikido was started to launched at July 7th, 2011,  in the same time of our first seminar with Ichiro Shishiya Shihan (7 DAN Aikikai) in Jakarta. For this time we are still to establish our group and develop more dojos.


Embody the ideals of O'Sensei and Nishio sensei, and Shaping Aikidoka who understand the meaning of unity, honesty, and love of peace, and also popularize Martial Arts Aikido as a means of self-control and social maturation.


  1. Creating awareness, knowledge, and understanding about Art of Peace.
  2. To build aikido comunity based on peace and love.
  3. Constitute the soul of a disciplined, responsible, dynamic, and noble personality in daily duties.
  4. Organizing Aikido training is not only concerned with the quality of growth progress physically, but also mental and  spiritual growth in a balanced and harmonious.

Line  Age

Board of Istructors

        Head Instructor          


   Dedy Tarmizi ( 3 DAN )

                    Instructor   1               

Aprizal Banupa ( 1 DAN )

               Instructor  2              

Aryo Purwanto( 1 DAN )

   Instructor   3

   Instructor   4

   Instructor   5

   Instructor   6



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